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Suitable for dapple shade.

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SORREL, PROFUSION 60cm. A non-flowering vigorous leafy variety for soups and sauces. Plant - £3.50
MONKSHOOD (Curaichd mhànaich) Aconitum napellus 90cm. Popular border plant; deep green glossy foliage and violet-purple broadly hooded flowers. All parts are poisonous, but used in homoeopathy for colds and coughs. Grow well away from culinary herbs. Plant - £3.50
CALAMUS, ASIATIC Acorus calamus ssp asiatica HP  75cm. From Eisai medicinal herb garden,Japan. Similar to the european species in most ways. Plant on edge of pond or in bog garden. Plant - £5.50
JAPANESE RUSH / SEKISHO Acorus gramineus 15cm. Native to China and Japan. Small fan-like leaves that grow well in a moist part-shaded situation. The rhizome can be stir-fried and acts as an anti-bacterial digestive. Plant - £5.50
c BANEBERRY, BLACK Actaea spicata 45cm. Deep green fern-like foliage, white flowers and poisonous black berries which yield a black dye. Shaded site. Plant - £4.50
a MINT, KOREAN Agastache rugosa 60cm. An oriental herbaceous perennial with mauve flowers loved by bees and butterflies. The fresh leaves make a delicate tisane. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
BUGLE (Meacan dubh fiadhain) Ajuga reptans 20cm. Small but important native vulnerary herb with bright blue flowers. The leaves will help stop bleeding. Plant - £2.50
LADYS MANTLE (Copan an druichd) Alchemilla xanthochlora/vulgaris 20cm. Graceful fan-shaped pleated leaves and yellow green flowers. For menstruation problems and as a wound herb. Plant - £2.50
c GARLIC, MUSTARD Alliaria petiolata Bi  30cm. If you enjoy semi-wild cleansing spring salads, this easily grown native should be of interest, living up to its name. Sow outside but expect sporadic germination.Plants available in the autumn and spring. Plant - £3.50
Seeds - £2.00
c GARLIC, WILD/WOOD (Creamh) Allium ursinum 20cm. 'Ramsons'. Bright white star-like flowers and broad tasty leaves in early spring ,excellent in cleansing salads or with cheeses. Under cultivation with additional compost, the bulb can grow to a large enough size to use in the kitchen. Moist, shaded site.Sow seeds outside in the autumn Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
a MARSH MALLOW (Leamhad) Althaea officinalis 90cm. Soft velvety grey-green leaves and pink flowers. Root, leaves and flowers contain soothing properties for inflammations, and externally for sprains and bruises.Sow the seeds outside. Plant - £3.50
Seeds - £2.00
c ANEMONE RIVULARIS / SUBKA Anemone rivularis 30cm. A lovely white and mauve flowered herbaceous perennial from the Himalayas." Subka". The leaf is used to help clear coughs and fevers, the seeds are roasted and pickled and a decoction of the root is applied to cuts and wounds. Plant - £4.50
Seeds - £3.50
ANGELICA, JAPANESE / TOKI Angelica acutiloba HP  120cm. From Japan, a fine hardy herbaceous perennial with serrated foliage and white flowers. The root is used in Kampo medicine and helps to regulate menstrual flow, calming and easing pain. The leaves are used for frostbite. It is related to Angelica sinensis ( Dang Gui) but is easier to grow. Plant - £5.50
c ANGELICA (Lus nam buadha) Angelica archangelica Bi P 160cm. A stately plant bearing large spherical flower heads. The stems are excellent for taking the tartness from rhubarb, or may be candied for caked and sweets. Medicinal seed and root, mainly for digestion. Seeds available in late summer, short viability. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
HEMP, BLACK INDIAN Apocynum cannabinum 90cm. Cream coloured insectivorous flowers, bright green foliage exuding a milk juice. Used in anthroposophical medicine. Plant - £7.50
c UDO Aralia cordata 1800cm. From Japan, Korea and China where it grows in woodland usually near to water.Here it grows well in a slightly moist fertile soil with a little shade. A very large vigorous handsome herbaceous perennial, so give plenty of space from other plants. The tender young shoots can be cooked and eaten as a vegetable. The juice from the leaf and roots have a reputation for providing headache and pain relief. Plant - £7.50
Seeds - £3.50
DRAGON ROOT Arisaemum triphyllum 30cm. North American woodland perennial producing speckled leaves and intricate flower spathes followed by small red berries. The corm is acrid when fresh but when dried contains medicinal properties. Also used in homoepathy. Plant - £4.50
CUCKOO PINT (Cluas chaoin) Arum maculatum 20cm. 'Lords & Ladies'. Arrow-shaped leaves of deep green with purple/brown spots. Bears poisonous berries. Used in homoeopathy for epilepsy and cramps. Shaded site. Plant - £3.50
GINGER, WILD Asarum canadense. 10cm. Creeping perennial native to North America and Russia, with kidney shaped leaves and a gingery scented root. Native people in north America used the root for many purposes, for example to ease coughs and rheumatic problems. Plant - £7.50
ASARABACCA (Asair) Asarum europaeum P E 15cm. Excellent ground cover with deep green kidney-shaped leaves. The rhizomes were once dried and powdered to produce a snuff. Shaded site. Plant - £5.50
WOODRUFF, SWEET (Lusa-caitheamh) Asperula odorata /Galium odorata 30cm. Woodland plant with bright white flowers. Dried leaves scented of new-mown hay for linen bags and pot-pourri, medicinal. Shaded site. Plant - £3.50
WOODRUFF, DYERS Asperula tinctoria 30cm. Creeping woodland herb with white flowers. The roots yield a red dye. Shaded site. Plant - £3.50
HARTS' TONGUE (Creamh mac fiadh) Asplenium scolopendrium P E 30cm. A luxuriant fern with broad, long, deep green fronds with distinct transverse spore cases. Used in homoeopathy and by herbalists as a liver and spleen astringent. Moist shaded situation. Plant - £4.50
HOREHOUND, BLACK Ballota nigra 30cm. Aromatic native perennial with small pink flowers, used in herbal medicine, mainly to reduce nausea. Plant - £3.50
DAISY, COMMON (Neoinean) Bellis perennis   10cm. Native perennial with healing properties that can been used domestically. No problem with cultivation so dead head to prevent self sowing. It can be of benefit externally to help with bruises, sprains and for cleansing wounds . Plant - £2.50
c BARBERRY Berberis vulgaris 200cm. A native deciduous shrub with slightly oriental looking yellow flowers followed by bright red berries, used in medieval times as a high vitamin C jelly. In Europe and in India the root and bark are used extensively, for example as a liver tonic and detoxicant and for their anti-cancer effects. Plant - £7.50
Seeds - £2.00
c MANDRAKE, ENGLISH Bryonia cretica ssp. dioica 200cm. 'White Bryony'. Vine-like native plant with red (poisonous) berries. Its large tuberous roots are used in medical preparations for arthritis and rheumatism and in homoeopathy for coughs and headaches. Plant - £4.50
Seeds - £3.50
COHOSH, BLUE Caulophyllum thalictroides 30cm. American Indian women once used the root for birth and menstruation problems. A fine early spring herb with blue-tinted foliage and small mauve flowers. Sorry sold out Plant - £10.00
GOTU KOLA Centella/Hydrocatyle asiatica HHP  10cm. Important Ayurvedic herb, the leaves may be eaten as a salad or used in medicine, for example as a tonic and anti-rheumatic. Moist, sheltered site. Not frost hardy, bring in for the winter. Plant - £5.50
FALSE UNICORN ROOT Chamaelirium luteum HP  100cm. A herbaceous perennial from eastern USA. It enjoys growing in moist semi-shaded areas with an acidic soil. Lovely small white flower spikes in the summer. Has numerous medical applications ,for example with fertility and menopause. For qualified practitioner use. Plant - £7.50
SNAKEROOT, BLACK Cimicifuga simplex HP  1800cm. Tall elegant herbaceous perennial from Japan with lovely sweet scented white flowers in late summer that attract many beneficial insects.The root is called "Sarashina-shoma" and has been used for mouth and throat inflammations and skin rashes. Plant - £7.50
COHOSH, BLACK Cimicifuga/Actaea racemosa 180cm. Handsome tall herbaceous perennial from north america with white but strongly scented summer flowers. The root may be used in moderation for rheumatism, period pain and menopausal problems.Not to be taken during pregnancy .Moist shaded site. Plant - £7.50
MEADOW SAFFRON Colchicum autumnale 15cm. Beautiful and delicate mauve-white late summer/early autumn flowers. The poisonous corm is used in homoeopathy for gout. A meadow plant that will grow and brighten up a semi-shaded site .Do not confuse with Saffron Crocus ..Crocus sativus . Plant - £3.50
LILY OF THE VALLEY (Lill nan ḷn) Convallaria majalis 15cm. The wild variety with broad leaves, fragrant white bell-shaped flowers and red berries. Valued as a cardiac tonic. Plant - £3.50
a MITSUBA / JAPANESE PARSLEY Cryptotaenia japonica HHA  90cm. A popular and easily grown aromatic herb with a zesty celery-lovage type flavour.Good in soups, salads and tempura.Sow outside in the spring, and through the growing season. Seeds - £2.00
CYCLAMEN,WILD Cyclamen hederifolium   20cm. A hardy native of southern UK deciduous woodlands and south to the mediterranean. Its ivy like leaves and lovely purple flowers brighten up a shaded moist corner.Once used in traditional medicine, now only in homeopathy. Plant - £4.50
b FOXGLOVE (Lus nam ban sith) Digitalis purpurea Bi  90cm. Purple bell-shaped flowers enjoyed by bumble bees. Contains a poisonous substance - Digitalin, used as a heart stimulant.Sow the seeds in a corner or in the wild garden .. Seeds - £2.00
CINNAMON VINE/CHINESE YAM Dioscorea batatus HP  200cm. Hardy perennial late emerging vine to 2 metres/6 feet with flowers that have the scent of cinnamon and other spices. The large starchy roots which develop over several seasons can be cooked like a potato.We offer 10 small aerial tubers that should be first potted up then planted in early summer, or young roots ready to grow on. In wet or cold gardens grow in a polytunnel, provide support.The aerial tubers can be deep fried as a japanese "tempura " Plant - £4.50
Bulb - £3.50
GINSENG, SIBERIAN Eleutherococcus senticosus HP  3000cm. A large deciduous shrub that is easier to cultivate, and is effective in a different way to the Panax species. The root and leaf contain a fairly strong tonic that stimulates the metabolism, regulates blood pressure and strengthens the vitality of the immune system. Grow in a semi shaded site at the back of the border. Root prune in the winter and use fresh or dried. Small Plant - £18.00
Large Plant - £36.00
EPHEDRA DISTACHYA Ephedra distachya P E 30cm. Twig-like hardy evergreen shrub from western Europe. It will grow outside in sun or partial shade in a well drained soil. Beneficial as an anti-allergen and nerve stimulant for hay fever and asthma.For qualified practitioner use only. Plant - £7.50
IKARISO /HORNY GOAT WEED Epimedium macranthum /grandiflorum 30cm. From Japan, a lovely herbaceous perennial with anchor shaped pink flower petals and in late summer coppery-bronze foliage. Enjoys a semi shaded site . Used in Kampo medicine, for example to help clear bronchial problems and asthma.. Plant - £10.00
ADDER'S TONGUE Erythronium americanum 15cm. A striking perennial from northeast America where it brightens moist woodland in the spring with its purple variegated leaves and yellow lily flowers. The leaves help heal skin problems. Bulbs (3) - £3.50
TSUWABUKI/LEOPARD PLANT Farfugium japonicum HP  60cm. Japanese medicinal herb. Large glossy kidney shaped leaves up to 60 cms high. Yellow daisy-like flowers in the winter. Likes some shade and shelter from hard frosts. Plant - £12.00
STRAWBERRY, HIMALAYAN Fragaria nubicola 15cm. Native to the Hamalaya at altitudes between 2-3,000 metres, this softly haired perennial bears white flowers in May and small red fruits with a pleasant flavour in July. Plant - £3.50
STRAWBERRY, PINK FLOWERED Fragaria sp.   Bright attractive pink flowers and late summer fruits, edible creeping ground cover. Plant - £3.50
STRAWBERRY, WILD (Subh-lair) Fragaria vesca 10cm. Edible ground cover, with delicious flavour and fragrance especially when fully ripe.Birds leave them alone in our garden. Plant - £2.50
c GENTIAN, YELLOW Gentiana lutea 90cm. Stately protected large alpine herb bearing lovely whorls of yellow flowers. The root provides us with a bitter tonic for soothing stomach disorders and the important ingredient of Enzian schnapps. Plant - £5.50
Seeds - £3.50
c GENTIAN, TIBETAN Gentiana tibetica 30cm. Beneficial in traditional medicine as a general tonic, this handsome herbaceous perennial produces large rounded leaves with a rosette of creamy tubular flowers. Plant - £5.50
Seeds - £3.50
HERB ROBERT (Lus and Rois) Geranium robertianum PE  40cm. Native biennial or perennial with palmate divided aromatic foliage followed by small pink flowers. The leaves can be used externally for skin healing and internally for gum and throat issues. Plant - £2.50
c HERB BENNET (Machall Coille) Geum urbanum Bi  30cm. Native biennial that is used in traditional and homeopathic medicine for inflammations and nerve problems.It prefers a moist semi-shaded site and produces small but attractive yellow flowers Plant - £3.50
Seeds - £2.00
GROUND IVY (Nathair lus) Glechoma hederacea 10cm. Aromatic creeping ivy-like foliage and blue-violet flowers in spring. Has many curative properties including those for bronchial and digestive problems. Ground cover for shaded spots. Plant - £3.50
HELLEBORE, BLACK/CHRISTMAS ROSE Helleborus niger 60cm. Pure white blossoms in winter/early spring. The (poisonous) rhizome was once used as a cardiotonic, and externally for ulcers: today in homoeopathy. Plant - £5.50
HELLEBORE, GREEN Helleborus viridis   30cm. Native herbaceous perennial for slightly moist shaded site. Greeny-yellow flowers in winter /early spring. Poisonous and no longer used in medicine. Do not handle if skin sensitive. Plant - £7.50
DOKUDAMI Houttuynia cordata PRR  30cm. A popular medicinal plant from Japan and south-east Asia that helps to reduce respiratory problems and skin inflammations. The leaf may also be added to fish and egg dishes. A lovely but sometimes invasive ground cover perennial with elaborate upturned yellow and white flowers Plant - £4.50
GOLDEN SEAL Hydrastis canadensis 30cm. North American medicinal herb with brilliant golden root. Important mucous membrane healer, externally for sores and wounds.Used in homoeopathy. Enjoys a slightly moist soil enriched with leafmould and some quite dense shade in the summer, so quite specific conditions to get established.It usually takes several seasons for the roots to fully develop. We have dried root for sale to herbalists...100 grams = £30 plus delivery. Larger quantities sometimes available. Fresh root also usually available from october until march. Small Plant - £10.00
Large Plant - £18.00
GLADWIN Iris foetidissima 60cm. Yellow-purple flowers and large orange berries throughout winter and early spring. Once used in medicine. A good native plant for a semi-shaded site. Plant - £3.50
BLUE FLAG. Iris versicolour 60cm. A clump forming native of moist places in north America. The blue flowers splashed with yellow and white create a striking and unusual effect. The leaves grow from a creeping rhizome that is used by herbalists and homoeopaths. Plant - £5.50
Seeds - £3.50
a VETCH, BITTER or MOUNTAIN (Carmeal) Lathyrus montanus / linifolius 30cm. Native to upland areas of the UK producing pink/blue flowers. When sucked fresh the small root nodules have a liquorice-like flavour, that acts like a tonic reducing hunger and providing mild stimulation. Good for long distance trekking. Plant - £4.50
Seeds - £3.50
a LOVAGE (Luibj an liugair) Levisticum officinalis 150cm. A large herb with a habit and flavour reminiscent of celery. The chopped stem or leaf is popular in soups and stews. Medicinal seeds and root.Sow outside in early summer. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
c LOVAGE, SCOTS (Siunas) Ligusticum scoticum 60cm. Smaller native species with similar uses as Garden Lovage, better for a small garden.The Scots Gaelic name means "stormy" due to its preferred habitat on a rock face or just above a storm beach.In our gardens it would do well in a rockery or similar habitat. Plant - £3.50
Seeds - £2.00
HONEYSUCKLE, WILD (Lus na meala) Lonicera periclymenum 450cm. Climber. Subtle rose-pink, yellow and cream flowers with a honeyed scent. Pot-pourri herb. Medicinal, This is the local wild species. Plant - £7.50
CREEPING JENNY Lysimachia nummularia 8cm. Ground cover perennial producing numerous yellow flowers. The whole bruised herb helps to heal cuts and relieve muscular/rheumatic conditions. Plant - £3.50
or C MOUNTAIN /OREGON GRAPE Mahonia aquifolium PE  150cm. From the Pacific north west, an evergreen shrub with leathery green leaves, fine yellow flowers followed by dark blue berries. The bark is used in traditional medicine to reduce toxins, also a yellow fabric dye,the flowers and leaves are good in floral displays, the fruit can be made into pies, jams and juices. It is at home growing in a semi-shaded place but better flowers and fruit appear in a more open habitat. Plant - £5.50
Seeds - £3.50
c MANDRAKE, EUROPEAN Mandragora officinalis 10cm. Purple-white flowers followed by green/ yellow fruits. Once had an extensive medical reputation and received many unusual superstitions. Poisonous, but beneficial in homoeopathy for rheumatism .Prefers a sheltered site outside with a well drained soil and some shade in the summer.Plants are available from september to march. Sold out - more available autumn 2024 Small Plant - £12.00
Large Plant - £26.00
Seeds - £7.50
MINT, JAPANESE. Mentha arvensis var piperescens. HP  40cm. From Japan and the most common mint for the production of menthol with its cooling and warming effect. It is much used in many foods, confectionary and medicines. Enjoys a slightly moist rich soil. Plant - £2.50
PENNYROYAL, UPRIGHT (Peighinn rioghail) Mentha pulegium 30cm. Non spreading mint with a stimulating peppermint scent and whorls of mauve flowers. Medicinal but not during pregnancy. Plant - £3.50
MINT, CORSICAN Mentha requienii 1cm. Minute leaves bearing a strong peppermint scent, with tiny blue flowers.Grows well in the shade of paving stones, can be container grown outside in semi shade. Plant - £3.50
MINT, MOROCCAN Mentha spicata P RR 60cm. The variety the Arabs drink, add a drop of honey and /or lemon, if you wish, for one of the most refreshing of summer herb teas. Plant - £2.50
MINT, APPLE Mentha suaveolens 90cm. Woolly-green foliage, excellent for mint sauce and summer drinks.The late summer flowers attract butterflies . Plant - £2.50
MINT, LAVENDER Mentha x gracilis P RR 45cm. Soft grey-green foliage with rich lavender-like fragrance and whorls of lilac flowers in late summer. Plant - £2.50
MINT, GINGER Mentha x gracilis varia P RR 30cm. Beautiful golden and green leaves, with a warm scent and flavour. Try it in salads and mayonnaise.This is not a vigorous species. Plant - £2.50
MINT, LEMON Mentha x piperita citrata 40cm. Distinct lush lemon/citrus aromatic foliage. Plant - £2.50
MINT, EAU-DE-COLOGNE Mentha x piperita varia P RR 60cm. Rounded green and purple-bronze foliage with an exotic uplifting aroma. Plant - £2.50
MINT, BOWLES Mentha x villosa alopecuroides P RR 90cm. Originally from E. A. Bowles' garden. A larger form of Applemint with similar uses. Quite a collectors mint but allow it the freedom to spread . Rust free in our garden. Plant - £2.50
DOG'S MERCURY Mercurialis perennis 30cm. A native of deciduous woodland creating summer ground cover with small green flowers. A fresh herb essence is used in homoeopathy for rheumatism, gall bladder and liver problems, but this plant should not be used for self-medication. Plant - £3.50
c SWEET CICELY (Cos uisge) Myrrhis odorata 90cm. White flowers and bright green foliage, scented and flavoured of anise. The leaves, seeds or roots may be used in stewing fruit, reducing acidity and sugar requirements.Sow outside in the autumn. Plant - £3.50
Seeds - £2.00
NANTEN Nandina domestica 90cm. A hardy deciduous shrub from Japan with bamboo-like foliage,then white flowers followed by red berries. It is traditionally planted on the north-eastern side of houses or gardens to provide good luck and happiness. The berries are used in traditional medicine for coughs and asthma. Plant - £7.50
JAPANESE HYACINTH / Ophiopogon japonicus 30cm. An evergreen ground cover medicinal herb with "flowing" foliage, small lilac bell-like flowers followed with blue berries. The tubers give us a soothing remedy for cough and fevers. Plant - £5.50
STAR OF BETHLEHEM Ornithogalum umbellatum 20cm. Pure white star-like flowers expanding in sunshine during the spring and early summer. A Bach flower remedy. Bulbs (3) - £3.50
PEONY Paeonia officinalis 30cm. Rich red single flowered "wild" variety. The root contains sedative, antispasmodic and diuretic properies , for use by qualified practitioners only.Enjoys well drained good garden soil and a little shade. Plant - £10.00
c GINSENG, ASIAN Panax ginseng 30cm. Native to Korea and China, the most revered with a 7000 year old reputation as a tonic stimulant, improving the body's ability to develop stamina and stress resistance. Grow in a cold frame or polytunnel in northern gardens, it enjoys a well drained soil with some shade in the summer.Seeds are usually available later in november, sow outside or in a polytunnel. This is not an easy plant to grow and is for experienced gardeners only. Plant - £18.00
Seeds - £7.50
HERB PARIS Paris quadrifolia 20cm. A rare and remarkable native poisonous plant with four or more whorls of leaves,attractive yellowy-green flowers and a blue/black berry. Used in homoeopathy . Enjoys a shaded site in summer with a humus rich soil. Plant - £7.50
BISTORT (Bilur) Persicaria bistorta 60cm. Fresh pink flowers and broad leaves that form part of a north country Easter pudding. The root contains astringent properties. Moist, shaded site. Plant - £3.50
BUTTERBUR, JAPANESE / FUKI . Petasites japonicus P RR 15cm. A plant for the moist partially shaded wild garden where the early cream flowers and large round leaves should be appreciated. Butterbur stem and leaf are toxic when eaten fresh, but salted, blanched, cooled in ice water, and cooked again, provides a delicate vegetable. Plant - £3.50
BUTTERBUR (Gallan ṃr) Petasites albus P RR 30cm. White-pink early spring clustered flowers. The root is used to treat several chest problems. Moist shaded site. Plant - £3.50
MASTERWORT Peucadanum ostruthium 60cm. Native herbaceous perennial with pink/white flowers. The rhizome is utilised in homoeopathy, in traditional medicine and herbal liqueur. Prefers a moist site. Plant - £3.50
YERBA SANTA / PEPPERLEAF Piper auritum TP  5000cm. A vigorous climber from Mexico producing very large aromatic leaves which are used to wrap food before baking. The leaf can also be fried at the base of a tortilla to give it added spicy aroma and flavour .The flowers are long, cylindrical and creamy-white. It is a relative of Piper nigrum - Common Pepper. An exotic plant that needs plenty of space and warmth in the winter . Not to be confused with Eriodictyon californicum . Plant - £12.00
BETEL Piper betle TPE  10cm. A tender evergreen climber with glossy pointed leaves that will creep or clamber depending on the habitat. It requires a lot of warmth and some humidity so grow in a shaded area of a heated greenhouse or conservatory, being a native of southern Asia. The leaves have a slightly spicy flavour with medicinal properties, to be nibbled in moderation. Plant - £18.00
KAWA-KAWA Piper excelsum HHPE  90cm. A native of north island New Zealand where it grows prolifically under the bush canopy. In northern areas of the UK it is best grown as a half hardy perennial, keeping in a shaded place in a frost free greenhouse or conservatory for the winter, place outside in a warm summer or for exposed gardens in a shaded polytunnel. An evergreen shrub with glossy leaves that have a spicy tingly flavour. Maoris have used the leaves in an anti-inflammatory ointment and the seeds as a spice. Sorry sold out. Plant - £18.00
PLANTAIN, RIBWORT (Slan Lus) Plantago lanceolata   30cm. A native healing herb for the wild garden where it should self sow. Its has similar uses as the greater plantain. Plant - £3.50
c MANDRAKE, HIMALAYAN Podophyllum hexandrum / emodii 45cm. From Tibet and northern India, a fascinating herb with pink flowers and large scarlet seed pods. It has a poisonous root used externally to treat warts. Moist, shaded site. Plant - £7.50
Seeds - £3.50
MANDRAKE, AMERICAN Podophyllum peltatum 30cm. Umbrella-like poisonous leaves. A powerful medicine was once extracted from the rhizome. Moist, shaded site. Plant - £7.50
ABSCESS ROOT Polemonium reptans 30cm. A north American herb with astringent properties. Bright blue branched spring flowers and dense pinnate foliage. Shaded moist site. Plant - £4.50
SOLOMONS SEAL Polygonatum multiflorum / odoratum 60cm. Graceful lily, leaves clasped to arching stems from which dangle clustered, sweet scented cream flowers. The powdered rhizome is utilised for bruises, swellings and inflammations. Prefers a shade site Plant - £3.50
LIQUORICE FERN Polypodium glycyrrhiza 10cm. North American native with a rhizome that has a delicate liquorice flavour, traditionally used to help clear coughs. Grow in dapple shade. Plant - £7.50
POLYPODY (Cloch reathneih) Polypodium vulgare 20cm. Fern with a creeping rhizome that is a useful remedy for coughs and catarrh. Moist, shaded site. Plant - £3.50
TORMENTIL (Braonan fruich) Potentilla erecta/tormentilla 10cm. Bright yellow flowered herb. The rhizome provides us with a safe and powerful astringent medicine for sore throats, cuts, grazes and minor burns. Dye plant. Acidic soil. Plant - £3.50
c COWSLIP (Muisean) Primula veris/officinalis 20cm. Cheerful yellow-orange spring and autumn flowers. For winemaking, in skin lotions or in medicine.Sow the seeds in the autumn outside.They are now available by the gram,for example 2 grams for £6.50, 5 grams for £14.00. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
PRIMROSE (Lus nam muisean) Primula vulgaris 15cm. Native usually on edge of woodland. Early summer creamy-yellow flowers, very suitable for a slightly shaded moist wild garden . Anti-inflammatory leaves for minor wounds, flowers for salads and a mild sedative tisane when plentiful. Plant - £2.50
c SELF-HEAL (Dubhan ceann cḥsach) Prunella vulgaris   16cm. Important woodland healing herb; attractive violet flower spikes and lush foliage. a bruised leaf will help stay nosebleeds, bind cuts and soothe burns and bruises. Ground cover for a shaded site.Sow outside in the autumn. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
RHUS TOXICODENDRUM Rhus radicans   150cm. 'Poison Ivy'. Beautiful but fiery (and dangerous to touch) deciduous shrub with autumn coloured foliage. It can cause a very severe allergic response. Homoeopathy makes use of it as a remedy for chicken pox and eczema. We can only supply to accredited growers. Plant - £12.00
SWEET BRIAR Rosa eglanteria/rubiginosa 180cm. A fast growing pink flowered rose that fills the garden air with a spicy-apple scent. Suitable for 'wild' hedging. Plant - £5.50
Seeds - £2.00
MADDER, WILD (Madar) Rubia peregrina 90cm. Native climbing perennial with small roots used for dying fabrics. Madders are used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for their anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties.Host plant for Humming bird hawk moth larvae. Plant - £4.50
MADDER (Madar) Rubia tinctorum 90cm. Creeping/climbing herb with yellow star-like flowers. Native to south eastern Europe . The root yields a red dye, and is also used in homeopathy. Plant - £4.50
RASPBERRY, WILD (Subh-craoibh) Rubus idaeus 150cm. Wild stock from our croft. Raspberry leaf tea has a good reputation for easing labour pains; externally it may also be used as an eyewash, mouthwash or for ulcers and wounds. Plant - £3.50
a SORREL, BROAD LEAVED (Samh) Rumex rugosa/acetosa   60cm. Use the leaves sparingly as a garnish for soups or salads. The juice of the leaves will curdle milk or make junket.Sow outside in the spring Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
a SORREL, BUCKLER-LEAVED Rumex scutatus 30cm. Smaller leaved, but with a less sharp taste than the broad leaved. The mashed leaf mixed with lemon juice and sugar may be used as a green sauce with meat.Sow outside in the spring. Plant - £3.50
Seeds - £2.00
BUTCHERS BROOM (Calg-bhealaidh..) Ruscus aculeatus P E 30cm. A native shrub with prickly evergreen leaves and red berries. It has edible young shoots, contains a medicinal substance of use in jaundice and gravel, and is used as a Christmas decoration in the home and church.We have a self-pollinating dwarf variety that fruits freely as well as the wild form which produces spiky foliage Plant - £7.50
SALVIA NUBICOLA Salvia nubicola 30cm. Our seed stock was gathered from pinewoods near to the source of the River Ganges. This handsome hardy herbaceous perennial has scented foliage and yellow/maroon flowers that exude an aromatic oil in late summer. It is happy in either a sunny situation or partial shade. Plant - £4.50
c BLOODROOT Sanguinaria canadensis 15cm. Beautiful white early spring flowers, wrapped in palmate leaves. The (poisonous) rhizome is utilised as a homoeopathic asthma and bronchitis remedy, and also produces a red dye. Leafmould and shaded site. Plant - £7.50
Seeds - £3.50
c SANICLE (Reagha maighe) Sanicula europaea 30cm. Woodland herb, a primary vulnerary and blood purifier. Makes a gargle for sore throat, catarhh or coughs, externally used for rashes and inflammations. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
a FIGWORT Scrophularia nodosa 60cm. Native perennial with numerous medicinal applications but mainly for skin problems. Small yellow flowers. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
SCULLCAP, COMMON Scutellaria galericulata 20cm. Smaller native species, blue flowered and sharing similar properties to the Baikal Scullcap.(We supply the creeping rhizome bare rooted) Plant - £3.50
SCULLCAP, VIRGINIAN Scutellaria lateriflora 45cm. From north america. A bushy herbaceous perennial with small but numerous blue flowers, that in the later stage of flowering resemble skull/head caps. An important remedy for headaches, neuralgia and nervous disorders.(We supply the creeping rhizome bare rooted ) Plant - £4.50
c ALEXANDERS Smynium olustratum 160cm. Native to the mediterannean but found naturalised in east Anglia. A culinary herb with a parsley-celery like flavour at its best in early spring when the young shoots and leaves are most tender. Large green/white flowers and black seeds, both edible. Plant - £4.50
Seeds - £2.50
c BITTERSWEET / WOODY NIGHTSHADE Solanum dulcamara 200cm. Native climber with bright purple/yellow flowers followed by poisonous red berries. The stems and flowers are used to treat skin problems and rheumatism. Plant - £4.50
Seeds - £2.00
a BETONY WOOD (Lus bheathag) Stachys / Betonica officinalis. 30cm. Deep green toothed leaves and two lipped purple-red flowers. Used in herbal medicine for example to help combat nervous exhaustion, anxiety and headaches.Semi-shaded site. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.50
COMFREY,DWARF Symphytum ibericum 30cm. Excellent ground cover. Dense foliage and clusters of cream coloured flowers in spring and autumn. Plant - £2.50
COMFREY, COMMON (Lus na cnamh briste) Symphytum officinalis 90cm. High potash plant food and high protein stock feed. The root and leaves provide a poultice for sprains and bruises . Our variety has creamy/ white flowers . Plant - £2.50
COMFREY, TUBEROUS Symphytum tuberosum 30cm. The native Scots variety, bearing bright, creamy-yellow spring flowers. Similar use and value as Common Comfrey, (and more by some authorities!) Plant - £2.50
COMFREY, RUSSIAN Symphytum x uplandicum 100cm. A vigorous hybrid with bright purple flowers, a plant for the wild garden. Use for compost and liquid feeds, cutting regularly through the season Plant - £2.50
a FEVERFEW Tanacetum parthenium 60cm. Has a good reputation for relieving migraine and pain. Clumps of green foliage and daisy-like flowers scented of honey. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
FEVERFEW, GOLDEN Tanacetum parthenium aureum 60cm. More decorative yellow-gold foliage. The dried leaves help deter moths. Plant - £2.50
BETHROOT Trillium erectum 30cm. The root of this American Indian herb may be used internally as an astringent and externally for sores and ulcers. Three leaved and striking tripartite deep red spring flowers,prefers a moist shaded (in summer)position. Plant - £5.50
a NASTURTIUM. Tropaeolum majus HHA  60cm. A native of south america and a vigorous annual that creeps or climbs depending on the situation.The leaves and flowers have a peppery flavour for salads and spicy soups. The fruits can be pickled like capers. Sow outside in spring/early summer. Seeds - £2.00
BLAEBERRY/BILBERRY (Braoileag) Vaccinium myrtillus 45cm. Native deciduous undershrub with sweet deep purple berries for use in juice, jam, pies or wine. The leaves help lower blood sugar levels. Enjoys acidic moist soil, with a little shade. In the wild they often grow under the canopy of Scots Pine trees. Plant - £5.50
CRANBERRY (Muileag) Vaccinium oxycoccus 2cm. A creeping Scots native plant with tiny pink flowers and small juicy red berries. It is quite a delicate plant so grow on for one or two seasons in ericaceous compost until large enough to cope with its preferred native spagnum bog conditions, best planted in the spring. This is not the species that produces Cranberry juice (which is V. macrocarpus) Plant - £7.50
c COWBERRY / LINGONBERRY (Lus nam Broileag) Vaccinium vitis-idaea 20cm. 'Red Whortleberry'. Highland evergreen herb. Pink or white flowers followed by red edible autumn/winter berries. Prefers acidic soil conditions and a wee bit of shade .Sow the seeds outside in the autumn. Plant - £5.50
VALERIAN, HIMALAYAN Valeriana jatamansi 20cm. A dwarf medicinal Valerian which is found in moist shaded areas of the upper Himalayan pine forest. Contains similar properties as Common Valerian, and the bright,bonny,bunched light pink flowers in the spring are one of our favourites. Grow in some shade in the summer in some lightly moist soil. Plant - £7.50
HELLEBORINE, WHITE Veratrum album 90cm. An important homoeopathic remedy is extracted from the (toxic) root of this European native herbaceous perennial. A very handsome plant with large distinct leaves and magnificent white flower spikes in the summer, it prefers a slightly moist, shaded area. Plant - £7.50
c MULLEIN (Cuineal Mhuire) Verbascum thapsus Bi  150cm. Tall, stately biennial with large downy-white leaves and yellow flower spikes. Helps to relieve coughs, catarrh and asthma. Sow the seeds outside in the autumn. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
BROOKLIME Veronica beccabunga 30cm. A blue flowered creeping plant for the water garden, with a bitter watercress flavour. An old remedy for scurvy and a spring tonic herb. Plant - £3.50
PERIWINKLE, GREATER Vinca major P E 60cm. Striking mauve-blue flowers and smooth, waxy foliage. Used to stop internal and external bleeding and reduce high blood pressure. Plant - £3.50
PERIWINKLE, LESSER Vinca minor P E 10cm. Prostrate evergreen undershrub with small but bright blue-violet flowers. Ground cover for a shaded site. External uses include nosebleed, sore throat and mouth ulcers. Internally a cerebral stimulant like Gingko. Plant - £3.50
PERIWINKLE, LESSER VARIEGATED Vinca minor aureovariegata P E 10cm. Creeping evergreen foliage edged with cream, giving interesting colour even in mid-winter. Plant - £3.50
VINCETOXICUM OFFICINALIS/HIRUNDINARIA Vincetoxicum officinalis/hirundinaria 60cm. Traditional medicine utilised this European woodland herb as an emetic. It has unusual oblong poisonous foliage, creamy-white flowers and large seed pods. Plant - £5.50
c SWEET VIOLET (Fail chuach) Viola odorata P E 10cm. Spring and autumn violet flowers; used as a colouring and flavouring agent in food and confectionery. Medicinal. Shade in summer. Plant - £3.50
Seeds - £2.00
WASABI or JAPANESE HORSERADISH, WILD Wasabia japonica 30cm. A perennial herbaceous plant from Japan with large heart-shaped leaves and small white flowers. The young leaves are good in spring cleansing salads and the stem has a strong mustard-like flavour, lift in the autumn/ winter. Enjoys rich moist soil and partial shade and is easy to grow,apply plenty of leafmould in the autumn to obtain a large rhizome. Sold out Plant - £7.50
WASABI no MONZEN Wasabia japonica 30cm. A variety that produces a larger finger-sized stem. It originated from the oldest Wasabi farm in Japan " Wasabi no Monzen" means in front of the gate of the temple. Grow in a cool moist border with plenty of organic compost and some shade, lift in the autumn and use fresh grated with sushi, using a ceramic grater , easy to grow. Sold out Plant - £10.00
GINGER, JAPANESE MIOGA Zingiber mioga HHP  60cm. In Japan, the delicate flower buds are blanched, chopped and eaten in miso soup, tofu, noodles,sashimi, tempura or sweet pickles. If allowed to develop they become fine yellow and white flowers. Enjoys a shaded moist site. Plant - £7.50
GINGER, TROPICAL Zingiber officinails TP  60cm. Native to south east Asia and extensively grown and used in food and medicine. Grow in a warm greenhouse in a semi- shaded place, lift and divide the rhizome in the winter, plant out young buds in the spring. Needs a temperature of 20 to 30 c to prosper. Plant - £7.50
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